Iako je Roberto Cavalli #1 sto se tice animal printa, Blumarin je za sezonu spring/summer 2011 napravio veliki pomak sto se tice "divljih" dezena... :) Svaka cast, haljine su Ooolala :)
We all know that Roberto Cavalli is #1 when it comes to animal prints, but Blumarine have made a big step with animal prints in the colection for spring/summer 2011. Very good, dresses are ooolala!

We all know that Roberto Cavalli is #1 when it comes to animal prints, but Blumarine have made a big step with animal prints in the colection for spring/summer 2011. Very good, dresses are ooolala!
objasnio je :) super post!
ОдговориИзбришиu la la, prrrrrr...
ОдговориИзбришиFenomenalno! A kad se samo setim koliko sam mrzela ovaj print kad sam bila mladja..:D
ОдговориИзбришиSugar nisi jedina, ni ja ga bas nesto nisam volela :D