Evo napokon prilike da prosetam svoju zmijsku suknju koja je cekala citavih godinu dana u ormaru na ofingeru, da je izvedem u provod. Eto ukazala se prilika. P.S. Kao i 80% mojih stvari i nju mi je sasila baka <3
Here is finally a chance to take this snake print skirt for a walk because she was waiting a full year in the closet to bring her out. P.S. My grandma made this skirt for me <3
Neki je vole neki je ne vole. Ja je obozavam. Uvek zna da se obuce za priliku i uvek je besprekorno nasminkana. Zene joj zavide, muskarci je zele. Gospodjica K se udaje 20-og Avgusta. Jedva cekam.
Some love her some don't. I adore her. She always knows how to dress for the occasion and she always havethe most perfect made-up. Women envied her, men want her. Miss K is getting married on August 20. I can't wait.
Ovaj post nema veze sa modom, sa aktuelnim trendovima, sminkom, ovaj post je posvecen deci. Mnogi ne znaju ali ja sam vaspitacica (imam najlepsi posao na svetu) i zelim sa vama da podelim cari mog posla. Uzivajte i nemojte NIKADA da zaboravite ono malo dete koje se nalazi duboko u vama, jer da se ne lazemo najlepse je biti dete! Uzivajte, nasmejte se slikama i setite se svog detinjstva!
This post has nothing to do with fashion, with the current trends, makeup, this post is dedicated to children. Many of you don't know but I'm a kindergarten nurs (I have a most beautiful job in the world) and I want to share with you charms of my work. Enjoy and NEVER forget the little child that lies deep within you, because let's face it is best to be a child! Enjoy, laugh and remember youre childhood!