Juce sam bila kod bake u selu. Bila sam u breskvasto, bez - zlatnoj kombinaciji. Vreo dan, jedva da trpim odecu na sebi (najradije bih se skinula gola) ali baka ne bi bila baka kada me ne bi docekala sa hladnom (ledenom) vodom i naravno breskvama :) O da upoznala sam i male prijatelje (videcete ih na kraju).
Yesterday I went to visit my grandmother in her village. I was in peachy, nude - golden combination. Hot day, barely put up with wearing clothes (preferably would be stripped naked) but it would not be a grandmother when she would not be greeting me with cold (ice) water and peaches of course :) Oh yeah, I met some friends (you'll see them at the end).
Jakooo star sat :) volim ga :)
A ovo su moji mali prijatelji :) And this are my new friends :)

Yesterday I went to visit my grandmother in her village. I was in peachy, nude - golden combination. Hot day, barely put up with wearing clothes (preferably would be stripped naked) but it would not be a grandmother when she would not be greeting me with cold (ice) water and peaches of course :) Oh yeah, I met some friends (you'll see them at the end).
Jakooo star sat :) volim ga :)
A ovo su moji mali prijatelji :) And this are my new friends :)
You looks so cute - the suits is gorgeous.
ОдговориИзбришиAnd the little piggies - can they be my friends too.
Sladak je kombinezon:)
ОдговориИзбришиyou look beautiful in that outfit. lovely toes too!
ОдговориИзбришиKako ti je meden kombinezon, i papucice, i lakic i narukvice...ma sve! ;)
super je boja!:)
ОдговориИзбришиOutfit je super, a prijatelji su preslatki :)
ОдговориИзбришиYou look wonderful, great blog!
ОдговориИзбришиI will visit you more often:)
divan je kombinezon! Prelepa boja!