недеља, 23. децембар 2012.

Napokon. New beginning - Instagram post

Nisam pisala postove dobra tri meseca, ali sam vas sve redovno citala. Razlog za to je nepoznat. Ali dobro pocinjem ponovo i drago mi je zbog toga. Ovaj post bice posvecen slikama sa Instagrama. (http://instagram.com/makipinkdoll) Uzivajte. 

I did not write posts for three months. The reason for this is unknown. But I'm starting again and I'm glad about that. This post will be devoted to images from Instagram. (http://instagram.com/makipinkdoll) Enjoy.

New boots

                                                                      New necklace

New necklaces

New bracelets

Festive nails

Burgundy lips-love them!

Burgundy lips and nails trend

Eyeliner and pink lips. The best combination.

                                                     The first time I drew a horse

I'm on a diet again - breakfast

                               I'm on a diet again - lunch

Snowman teacup

In winter time I wear only black clothes.

My crazy and lazy cat

Kindergarten is ready to welcome the new year

14 коментара:

  1. Haha...pa ti si gora od mene, ja nisam mesec dana post objavila.
    Svidja mi se burgundi karmin, a i solja sa sneskom je divna!

  2. Čizmice su predobre! A burgundy lips takodje obozavam!

  3. Welcome back :)) <3
    Super fotkice ali ta maca... kradem je za snajku XD

  4. vauuuu, gde si kupila cizme, savrsene su? :)))
    btw, pratim te preko gfc-a, nadam se da ces posetiti moj blog i pratiti me nazad ako ti se svidi :*** :)

  5. AMAZING post...you look fab.
    Im now following you and I hope you follow me back:)

    If you want some Christmas decor inspiration..you can check out my blog:)

    Have a great day dear

    LOVE Maria from inredningsvis.se

  6. Such a lovely blog! Wishing you a happy new year xox



  7. Sjajne fotke,cizme su bruka!


  8. čizme su super :)
    obožavam bordeaux *.*
    a na dijetu stvarno ne trebaš :D
