Moram vam priznati da sam ja jos u euforiji oko velikog britanskog vencanja, ali ne oko samog vencanja, vec oko prelepih sesira koje sam predstavila u prethodnom postu. Jednostavno su toliko lepi (neobicni)! Ovoga puta su u pitanju sesiri princeze Beatrice Elizabeth Mary of York. Ja jednostavno ne mogu da se nagledam njenih prelepih sesira!
I must admit that I am still elated by the great british wedding, but not about the wedding it self, but because of some beautiful hats that I presented in the previous post. They are just so beautiful (unusual)! This time it comes to hats of Princess Beatrice Elizabeth Mary of York. I just can't get enough of her beautiful hats!

I must admit that I am still elated by the great british wedding, but not about the wedding it self, but because of some beautiful hats that I presented in the previous post. They are just so beautiful (unusual)! This time it comes to hats of Princess Beatrice Elizabeth Mary of York. I just can't get enough of her beautiful hats!
those hats are really original!
bas je ludi sesirdzija!
ОдговориИзбришиBaš je originalna ;)!
ОдговориИзбришиLeptirići su baš cute!
Ludi su skroz! Meni je odlican ovaj sa vencanja:)
ОдговориИзбришиmad hatter indeed! i love almost all of them though... especially the white ones look great. As summer is very much upon us here in London, i'm starting to look out for the perfect hat that i could wear to my first royal ascot this year! getting some good inspiration here! thanks
Joj... ja kad sam je vidjela na vjencanju, prvo sam pomislila: Sta Lady Gaga radi tu? :D Smjela je, sto jest - jest!
ОдговориИзбришиDivan je ovaj sa leptiricima! :D
ОдговориИзбришиA inace mi se svi svidjaju :D
Bas bezveze sto nemam priliku da nosim fascinatore :P
ludi sesiri totalno favoriti ovaj sa vencanja i onaj sa leptirima ;) Bravo za smelost :-)
ОдговориИзбришиI love the coat that princes Beatrice wore to the Royal wedding!
ОдговориИзбришиThe butterflies are amazing! Lovely blog :)
ОдговориИзбришиThe Flower Girl
ma vjencanje je bilo odlicno !
ОдговориИзбришиne bi se bunila da i moje bude tako :D
isse, taj sesir, ne znam da ga lajkam ili ne.
stvarno originalno, al malo izgleda kao da ima rogove ^^
Stvarno su vrhunski!:)