Fanatik sam za tetovaze i tetovirane ljude tako da pratim sve sto je vezano za njih. Za Zombie boy-a sam znala i pre nego sto ga je Lady Gaga prikazala u svom spotu "Born this way"... Kada sam ga prvi put ugledala bilo je "Hmmm on ima petlje". Pored tetovaza koje su u dark & evil stilu, on ima nesto lepo u sebi sto pleni i drzi paznju kada ga prvi put ugledate... Rick je kanadski model iz Montreala i ima 26 godina. I definitivno nije zavrsio sa svojim tetovazama...
I am a fanatic of tattoos and tattooed people and I like to track everything related to them. For Zombie boy I knew even before Lady Gaga was showed him in her video "Born This Way" ... When I first saw him I was "Hmmm he has a guts." His tattoos are in the dark & evil style but he has something good in itself that attracts and holds attention when you first see him... Rick is a Canadian model from Montreal, he is 26 and he definitely is not finished with his tattoos...

I am a fanatic of tattoos and tattooed people and I like to track everything related to them. For Zombie boy I knew even before Lady Gaga was showed him in her video "Born This Way" ... When I first saw him I was "Hmmm he has a guts." His tattoos are in the dark & evil style but he has something good in itself that attracts and holds attention when you first see him... Rick is a Canadian model from Montreal, he is 26 and he definitely is not finished with his tattoos...
Obožavam tetovaže - to je sve kaj imam za reć ;)
ОдговориИзбришиomg perfektno!
ОдговориИзбришиcekaj, to su prave tetovaze, na njemu! Wow, stvarno ima petlje!:)
ОдговориИзбришиDa Stasha prave su :) izgleda mocno, a pritom zraci nekom lepotom :)
ОдговориИзбришиMeni je grozno.Ja volim da cesto menjam stvari, a s tetovazama to i nije tako jednostavno.
ОдговориИзбришиGaga mi je super u njenom spotu "sređena" :D